
  Howdy Y'all!     Welcome to the Great state of... Puerto Rico? I think the biggest drawback to adding another state to the Union is where do you put that pesky 51st star on the flag?   Well, I think I have the answer and it's  been right in front of our faces the entire time! Get rid of Texas! Wait...what?  Now hear me out. This is a great solution for everyone. First off, they obviously hate being part of the USA... I mean, they want no gun laws, no civil rights for anyone other than  white men, they hate immigrants and now apparently women!  It's a perfect solution! We let them break away and form their own country...we could call it, well maybe something like that.  They already have their own flag, and as Eddie Izzard says about conquering Europe...😊 it even has a star on it... Oddly enough, so does the Puerto Rican flag... hmmmm, So, they have a flag, they have a government ...Gov. Abbot can proclaim himself President or King or Grand Poobah and VOILA
    6° of Joe Biden I attempt using Republican Pretzel Logic to show how higher gas prices are all his fault Welcome to the inaugural edition of 6° of Joe Biden. Over the last 4 years of the Puzzle Palace I roasted President Trump and lampooned him and his Cabinet on the weird, insane and downright dangerous decisions that were made. Now its my chance to take a swing at the Democrats and 'sleepy Joe', or is it 'Tiny Joe', or 'Dementia Joe' or whatever it was Trump tried to call him to scare people into voting for him.  (I am an equal opportunity political satirist) So without further ado, here is my first in a series of  "6° Of Joe Biden".  I will try and blame all of the problems of the world on him,  Like a Republican Enjoy!   I can’t believe I am going to say this…but it IS Joe Biden's fault that the price of gas is high! Wait, What? How can the President be responsible for that? Well, let’s play the Republican blame game, or as I like to call i